Friday 28 January 2011

Power Yoga

We finally got around to having a proper look at power yoga for weight loss today. Now we always say that using yoga to lose weight is the most demanding thing you'll ever try. It's no easy ride but the benefits certainly make it worthwhile. 

Power yoga is the hardest workout (even tougher than bikram yoga - and that takes some doing) making it a tough cookie but completely worth checking out. The harder the workout the bigger the gain, and power yoga packs a punch.


Wednesday 26 January 2011

Wii fit demo

This is a great demo of the wii fit. They're available all over the place now and it's got some great stuff.


Running for Weight Loss

I have a suggestion for everyone today - take a look at running for weight loss. I'm a big fan of any workout which gives you the flexibility to work to your own standards and push yourself as you need to. Having the flexibility actually helps you keep to a schedule, in my opinion, since you know what you need to make up. All you need to do is be prepared to drive yourself to working and keep in mind your reasons for doing so. Jogging or running for weight loss is an amazing way to lose weight and it's so so easy to get started!


Sunday 23 January 2011

Bikram Yoga for Weight Loss

Anyone who thinks yoga is too much of an easy workout to burn fat with really hasn't tried bikram yoga for weight loss. I've spoken about the benefits of using yoga for weight loss before - it's just such a perfect medium and with so many ways to practice there's something to suit everyone. All you really need to do is hold those poses longer and go more often!


It's a workout but (regardless of what anyone tells you) losing weight takes work and at least this one is actually fun and comes with a bucket full of other benefits. What are you waiting for?

Friday 21 January 2011

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga has been growing hugely over the last couple of years. It's rare you'll see anyone around a gym without a yoga mat these days. And to be honest - you don't really even need a yoga mat to get started - just clear some room on the living room floor. I've been looking for some useful ways to lose weight without having to spend a lot of money or join a gym (for those that don't want to) and I found the great idea of using yoga for weight loss in a magazine I was reading. It's a great idea and totally worth looking into. 

It takes a little time to learn (you don't want to push yourself too early and end up pulling something) but as well as being a great way to meet people it makes an awesome way to lose weight and it's something you can do from the comfort of your own home! Which is perfect for anyone who's a little shy (have a look at this guide on how to not be shy) and doesn't want to practice in front of people. I wish I'd known about it when I was first fighting to lose weight since I was very self concious about what I was doing but forced myself to go into a gym.


Anyway I have a video to share if you fancy having a look at the basics but I'd recommend going to that yoga weight loss site if you want to learn properly.



Monday 25 October 2010

Weight issues and Being shy

Before anything else I'd like to say that I've been seeing search engine results for things like 'how to become bulimic or anorexic' Stuff like this really does shock me. You don't need to go to these kinds of extremes in fact you really *really* shouldn't It's not healthy. Not at all.

We have a few updates for the site today most of which surronding shyness and how to not be shy in particular. I got this book and I'm going to be sharing a few parts of it because I think it relates to a lot of the emails I've been getting.


That should be up by tomorrow so hopefully I'll see you over there.


Wednesday 22 September 2010

Weight Loss for College Students

It was in my college years that I began researching weight loss for teens so I thought it fitting to include a look at weight loss for college students. The only real difference that can come to mind is the readily apparent and open sports/health clubs and facilities and the expectation (and right!) to have the occasional pizza for breakfast.